Relentless Mommas Panel!
September is gone…how and when did that happen?!? Last week I had the awesome pleasure of serving on a panel for the women’s conference at my church. Our session title was called, “Relentless Mommas: Raising Godly Children in a Selfie World.” The women I served with were so awesome! We had such a good time and of course we had to get some selfies in too (wink). We’re bonded for life, haha.
The virtual conference was amazing from start to finish. It felt more like the Forth of July as fireworks went off as Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts closed us out! She talked about purpose and my mouth was open practically the entire time. Many of you know that I’m very vocal when it comes to obedience (immediate obedience that is) and doing what God has called us to do. Well, she said that and some…
She preached from Exodus 2:1-10 (Moses’ birth). She described purpose as: The thing working through you to set someone else free. That thing that requires you to need God the most. Her subject was electrifying!

Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts

Baby Moses
1. Moses’ mother birthed and nurtured deliverance.
It was her job to birth and nurture deliverance in an inconvenient time. You have to ask yourself, “Do I have the proper environment to nurture my purpose?” And just because it’s inconvenient doesn’t mean it’s not God. God will help it survive. This is where it’s too big for you and you need help.
2. Moses’ sister protected deliverance.
When Moses’ mother could no longer hide her son, the scripture says that, “…she made a basket and covered it with tar so that it would float. Then she put the baby in the basket and put the basket in the river in the tall grass. The baby’s sister stayed and watched to see what would happen to the baby.” Moses’ sister didn’t know what she was protecting would deliver her! She didn’t know who Moses was going to be and she served in that moment. It’s the attitude that if anything comes up against it, I will intervene. Who are you serving? That is how you will get your breakthrough.
3. Pharaoh’s daughter sustained deliverance.
The Bible says that when Pharaoh’s daughter found the baby, she had compassion for him. She made sure the baby was fed, cared for him, and accepted the baby as her own. Sustain means to “strengthen or support physically or mentally.” What is the grace and anointing that works out well for your family that you wanna make sure echoes throughout the next generations? What has got to stay alive?
How will God use you? Where are you in the process? What is set free because of your purpose? God is using me in all three functions, which is why He has called me to help you birth, protect, and sustain deliverance. I’m here to tell you that the time is NEVER going to be comfortable and the conditions are NEVER going to be exactly right (because something will always pop up to try and get you off track). I’m looking for a few women who understand that what God has anointed them to do will set someone free, bring souls into the kingdom, encourage, and change the world! Do not pass up this inconvenient time to let God breath on what He has birthed you to do. Purpose can be inconvenient but trust God because that’s when it’s the most powerful!
Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts said, “Give God an inconvenient praise and He will give you an inconvenient breakthrough that will radically shift your life.”
Maybe you’re called to write, get a degree, start a non-profit or a business, put on events…whatever it is, your obedience is greater than the inconvenience. So, let’s talk about the inconvenience, partner together and produce a plan to birth, protect, and sustain deliverance—which is your purpose.
Are you in?