1. Quarantine emotions?
If you haven’t had the time to concentrate on love, you probably haven’t had attention from the opposite sex in over a year. Ask yourself the following question: “Would I be interested in this person if we weren’t in a pandemic?” Be careful not to get caught up in the excitement of it all. We’ve all been cooped up, and everything looks good. Don’t let your emotions have free reign. I read a cute story about a woman named Christine who was chatting it up with a guy as they sat next to each other for their 15-minute waiting periods after their shot. She admits that when the time came to suggest exchanging numbers, she chickened out. But she said she was just so happy to flirt and chat. The sense of relief made her giddy and excited about meeting people again.
2. Do your homework
If you do happen to exchange information, do your research just like you would meeting someone any other way. You can find out anything you want about people nowadays with social media and other sites. So check them out and put those investigative skills to work 😉
3. Values matter
Just because restrictions are dropping doesn’t mean your values should too. Values are foundational beliefs that anchor our lives. They help us make decisions, shape our actions, and are the driving force behind our work and our passions. Hold tight to what’s important to you—your non-negotiables.