Dear Dreamer Who Desires More,
Welcome to From Drama to Destiny™ University, a vibrant and transformative space, where you can uncover your true calling and begin to make the profound impact you were destined to build.
It’s time for you to fully embrace who you are meant to be—without holding back or feeling the need to apologize.
Whether you desire to...
launch a business or ministry, make money speaking on stage, author a best-selling book,
sing your heart out, hold a successful event, move forward with your witty invention,
or not sure what yet, this is the place you will find the tools and support needed
to uncover and turn your dreams into reality and live out the vision God has instilled in your heart.
If not now, when?
You must start to give God something to bless.
FROM DRAMA to Destiny™ University
Where the drama didn't destroy you...
it propelled you to build.™

The From Drama to Destiny™ (FD2D) University curriculum was created by Kenya S. Ulmer, CEO of Full Load, LLC, to equip and empower you at every new level. We aim to unlock your God-given purpose and help you step confidently into your destiny. You have a unique assignment in this world, and the next chapter of your journey calls for focus, dedication, divine favor, and unwavering accountability.

Do you feel stuck and like you can’t get ahead?
Are you in an unfufilling job, and every day you go in you feel like a piece of you is dying?
Are you tired of watching everybody else’s dreams come true wondering when or if it will be your turn?
Are you sitting on ideas, treasures, and influence that will bless your family for generations?
Do you need to learn the business side of your passion to make money?
If your answer is YES, it's your time to join.
We know you’re tired of boring approaches; you crave an engaging experience while achieving your professional and personal goals. We’ve got you covered. Explore the amazing offerings waiting for you at the University, and schedule a discovery session to discuss the best fit for you.
A comprehensive 12-month program designed to establish a strong foundation for your business through effective strategies, systems, implementation, mentorship, and accountability for growth.
In this 6-month program, you will learn step-by-step how to earn a living doing what you love—speaking. Speaking is a great way to encourage, influence, empower, motivate, and change the world! Grow your confidence, income, and credibility, all while doing what God has called you to do.
A 6-month coaching program that focuses on rearranging circumstances and attitudes in everyday life to discover increased joy and effectiveness while lowering stress and wasted energy.
A 90-day group coaching program designed for those who are struggling or stuck in life and you’re ready for clear, no-fluff guidance, and expert coaching so that you get unstuck and position yourself to achieve your goals and generate more—more clarity, more income, more confidence, and more impact in the world.
This is a 90-day group coaching program (also available as a one-on-one program) for those called to share their story and expertise with the world through a book. Find your brave factor and unique and authentic voice to attract those you are called to educate, heal, encourage, and empower.
Dive into the Word of God through original teaching videos that will boost your spirit, give you peace, and help you navigate through rough waters by giving you the edge and strategy for challenges that can threaten, block, and stagnate your progress and growth in your life and business goals.
All programs are virtual with the exception of the Business Immersion Retreats and live events.
FD2D™ Business Builder
12-Month Program highlights include:
- A Purpose Revealed™ Curriculum
- Modules for self-paced study
- One-on-One Business Strategy Coaching Sessions and Recordings
- Quarterly In-person Business Immersion Retreats
- Q&A Group Sessions
- Templates & Worksheets
- A bonus ticket to a FD2D™ Live Event in 2025
- Private Facebook Community Clients Group
“Hello Kenya…I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart, last night was definitely a blessed time.. It was confirmation and just a miracle. I don’t think I’ve ever had or felt someone really understand, appreciate and validate all these dreams, ideas and thoughts I’ve had for many many years, I’ve always knew I was destined for greatness and had a huge calling on my life but I’ve also been a victim of being overly humbled which at times has hindered my growth and caused fear, so it’s nice to be understood and someone to see the same for me, and rooting for me to win, and being poured into as I’m often pouring into others, so I greatly appreciate you! And pray God continues to bless you tremendously for the work you do!”
– Alexis Mason

Your Destiny is Speaking™
6-Month Program highlights include:
- Finding Your Voice
- Building Your Talk
- Landing the Speaking Engagements
- Speaker logistics (ie. Fees, travel, contracts, etc.)
- Closing the Sale
- How to land and leverage Media Interviews
- Templates & Worksheets
- A bonus ticket to a FD2D™ Live Event in 2025
- Private Facebook Community Clients Group
“Exciting news! I’ve been invited to attend and speak at the 16th Women’s Leadership and Empowerment Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, in March 2025, where I’ll present on “The Power of Gratitude.” Glory be to God! This is a fantastic opportunity for me to gain international exposure and connect with people from all around the world. I’m so excited for this opportunity! 😁”
– Alexis Mason

FD2D™ A Better Life Today
6-Month Coaching Program highlights include:
- One-on-one Coaching Sessions & Recordings
- A Purpose Revealed™ Curriculum
- Ideal Life Mapping
- What Are You Tolerating?
- Self Care: Stress & Boundaries
- A bonus ticket to a FD2D™ Live Event in 2025
- Private Facebook Community Clients Group
““Some people just have “IT”; “IT” being the ability to relate to people, to understand them and to help them when they are in need of personal guidance. Kenya S. Ulmer has the “IT” factor. She has an inner beauty, a spirituality that helps her to connect with people. She is caring and knows ways in which to coach those who have either lost their way, or are desperate to find a better way. Her positive advice not only comes from her experience but also from her heart. Many times when I needed direction, she already was tuned into what my inner soul was looking for. I have many times referred to her as my spiritual compass. She has calmed my soul on numerous occasions and I am grateful for her coaching. She is a blessing to me.”” – Val Willingham

A Purpose Revealed™
30-Day Program highlights include:
- Modules for self-paced study
- Group Coaching Session
- Powerful questions and exercises that point directly to one’s life purpose including, design, passion, fear, values, and destiny experiences
“As a result of working with Kenya and her FD2D™ A Purpose Revealed program, I was able to make tangible goals, and I was able to fully identify with my purpose and how to carry it out. She gave me great resources along the way and also my full “reveal” was provided to me with laid out steps to preform my gifts and talents in ways that can benefit me and also bring monetary gain to me in the future.”
– Danielle Lewis

From Purpose to Published™
90-Day Program highlights include:
- Group Coaching sessions*
- Topic clarity, mindset & purpose work
- Finding your target audience
- Creative guidance (including titles, chapters, stories & characters)
- Writing accountability
- Marketing: How to create multiple streams of income from your book
*A 6-month one-on-one option is available.
This program does not include publishing, but can recommend outside publishing options.
“I believe that session was to push me into a level or space that I didn’t believe I could go.” “Everything you do for me I wouldn’t be able to pay you [It’s priceless]…keep that spirit with you.”
– Marilyn C.

FD2D™ Spiritual Development Library
Library access includes original teaching videos on:
- Hearing the Voice of God
- Enemies: The Fight for Your Territory
- Crushing the Comparison Monster
- Spiritual Warfare
- Faith
- Forgiveness
- Relationships
- Sharing the Gospel
& much more!
“I loved how you would come on there and teach those classes. They were like Bible classes. God would use you. The anointing of God–the mantle was on you. You could feel it and see it. It was educating, empowering, and uplifting.”
– Amy C.
Don’t take my word for it:

Working with Kenya Ulmer and her FD2D™ Business Coaching program has been a transformative journey. Kenya helped me push past my fears, allowing me to step boldly into my purpose and passion. Her guidance and encouragement gave me the confidence to start my business on a strong foundation with the right mindset.
Kenya has reminded me of my expertise and helped build my confidence in who I am, which has been invaluable as a Christian self-love coach. Her support goes far beyond coaching sessions—she genuinely cares about her clients and extends her guidance into their personal lives if needed.
One of the most special aspects of working with Kenya is her unwavering faith and spiritual support. She not only prays for me but also prays with me, providing encouragement that is both grounding and empowering. Her belief in me has helped me see myself through God’s eyes and embrace my unique gifts.
Kenya has also been my cheerleader in some of my biggest moments, including accompanying me to a public appearance on Fox 5 DC, the leading news station in the DMV area. Having her by my side during such a significant milestone was a testament to her dedication and care.
Kenya is more than just a mentor—she has become a friend, family member, and big sister. Her genuine care, encouragement, and commitment to my success are unmatched. Choosing to work with Kenya means choosing to grow, committing to your goals, and stepping into the best version of yourself.
If you’re ready to thrive, Kenya is the coach you need by your side.”
Alexis Mason

You pushed me to think about my career choices, my brand, pushed me out of my small thinking to broaden myself into what I could be—what I can be. You helped me to get out of my own way. From taking your course, I have redone my website, got myself some attire with my brand name on it, I’ve created social medias that I never would have… which really makes me nervous, but you helped me to just put myself out there…just do it. Kenya is definitely a person that will bring the best out of you and get you to where you want to go. She’ll definitely take your thoughts and desires and bring them out.”
Kenia W.

For years I have had this desire to accomplish my dream of going back to school. It was an ongoing goal that I felt was unattainable; however, when I met Kenya I started to believe again in my dreams. She showed me that not only was my dream achievable, but that I could do it RIGHT NOW! As a result of Kenya’s coaching, I am more confident in going out and striving for those things that I thought I couldn’t. I feel hopeful not only in completing the goal that we embarked on together but also the other dreams that I have now dusted off. 🙂 Although it was a life coaching experience, it didn’t feel like that…loved the encouragement. It didn’t feel like something that you pay for when you don’t feel a connection with the person. It felt comfortable and personal.”
Mia Newton

Anybody that can get me to do a plan of anything deserves an award. Kenya helped get me in the direction I wanted to go. I’m not really accountable to a lot of people and that accountability kept me in the right place. Kenya taught me to be purposeful about me and making myself and my goals a priority. The program exceeded my expectations.”
Kendra Evans

For anyone who wants to hire Kenya, I strongly recommend her coaching program From Drama to Destiny™…I’ve had my share of drama in my life, but while working with Coach Kenya I’ve experienced a paradigm shift in the way that I view my life and purpose. The sessions were awesome. They didn’t feel like cookie-cutter conversations. Coach Kenya is very professional. She’s a great listener and motivator! The homework assignments were tough for me because they made me dig deep. I had to commit to doing the core work on the inside. I was able to identify my fears and obtain a good picture of what was holding me back in life. My future looks brighter because of the clarity that I received as a result of participating in Coach Kenya’s program. Do invest in yourself. Your life depends on it!”
Willynette Drayton

The Drama to Destiny™ program helped me to get my life together. It’s been instrumental in my growth over the last couple of years. I’m in school now and also taking a real estate class. In working with Kenya, I found out what I’m most passionate about, my purpose. I’m working with Autism speaks and my son Jerry sang the national anthem at one of their events in 2017. At my son’s middle school, I help to put on programs during Autism Awareness month to help showcase the talents of children with special needs. From Drama to Destiny™, helped me to focus in and prioritize and not feel so scattered while honing in on what I really wanted to do. A lot of the work I know this is the area I’m most successful and happy at. Completing what I start is a personal goal for me. When I’m helping parents finding resources for their kids and putting on programs during Autism Awareness Month, that’s where I’m happy and passionate about. The Special Needs Department will put on a play and the whole school is going to participate. Being able to align myself with this program has been so rewarding and gratifying.”
Kendra Collins

It [From Drama to Destiny™] was great. I’m stronger than I thought I was. Some of the things that I didn’t know I needed, I needed. It was more than what I thought it would be and more than I thought I would get. I feel like I can take more steps. It’s like a weight lifted, because I don’t have to second guess anymore [about my purpose].”
Tanisha Hill

Thank you for all you do for us… xoxoxoxo You INSPIRE me!!
I didn’t know what I was going to discover. I really liked the outcome. My favorite parts were the worksheets, which were really good tools. You were and are such an inspiration. I appreciate you so very very much.
Thank you for all you have done for me!!!! I was able to help others today.”
Tammy Shifflett
What can we learn from Hayley?
[Click the video]
Stop settling for CRUMBS.
You are NOT average, and what God has placed on the inside of you definitely is NOT average either.
If you want a better life, career, or business, you have to change the stories you tell yourself. One of my favorite quotes from George Addair states: “Everything you’ve ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.” To achieve what you desire, you need to get past your fear, doubt, worry, and self-sabotage. What is God telling you to do that looks and feels like Hayley’s video? Let me help you. I’ll show you exactly how I did it and stand by you every step of the way.
God doesn’t want us to be shy with his gifts, but bold and loving and sensible (2 Timothy 1:7 MSG).
We are designed for community. Because of my commitment to helping women experience wholeness, happiness, and fulfillment by digging deep to find what they really desire, dreaming BIG, and executing life and business goals with urgency, my clients have thrived during the ten years I’ve been coaching professionally.
If you’ve been waiting for just the right time to jump in and are looking for a community of believers and like-minded individuals to join you in this journey, From Drama to Destiny™ University is where you belong. God is doing something new, and I’m so excited for you.
When you surrender, your wildest dreams come true.

FROM DRAMA to Destiny™ University... where the drama didn't destroy you... it propelled you to build.™
About Kenya S. Ulmer, Certified Life Coach & Business Strategist
Kenya is the CEO of Full Load, LLC, a professional development coaching company. Kenya teaches women how to eliminate the drama and distractions on the road to their destiny across the world. Specifically, she gets to the root of and unearths the drama, detours, and distractions that prevent women from living a more joyous and purposed-filled life. As a result, her clients receive clear and concise action plans and strategies that contribute to uncovering life purpose, launching and growing businesses, and accomplishing impossible goals all while experiencing and living their best life.
Kenya is an award-winning CEO, Certified Life Coach, Business Strategist, Speaker, Teacher, and Mentor whose advice is regularly featured on FOX 5’s Good Day DC, ABC7’s Good Morning Washington and numerous online communications. Her long awaited book, Single Mama with No Drama is coming soon. In 2015, Kenya was recognized as a Legacy “Trailblazer” Awardee by EPNET (Entrepreneurs & Professionals Network).
When Kenya’s not slaying drama, she’s playing it. Draped in a gold lamé jacket and pounding rock and roll on her piano, she won first place in a talent competition, singing her rendition of Jerry Lee Lewis’ “Great Balls of Fire.”
Kenya has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Radio & Televison with a minor in Music from the George Washington University and a Biblical Life Coaching Certification from the Salt and Light Institute.
Kenya’s proudest accomplishment is her beautiful (inside and out) and comical daughter, Sydney, who graduated summa cum laude from the George Wasington Univerisity in 2020.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who is From Drama to Destiny™ University for?
From Drama to Destiny™ University is for those who desire to unlock their God-given purpose, launch and grow their businesses, write a book and leverage it, learn how to monetize speaking engagements, achieve other goals, or simply put, get their life together. The FD2D™ University student knows that none of this is possible without God being first and the foundation of everything they do in life.
What is the investment?
Please schedule a discovery session to discuss programs and investments. We have investments comfortable for every budget as well as payment plans.
Is the investment tax deductible?
Professional development can be tax deductible, but you also need to check with your tax advisor.
When does the University start?
The University’s “doors” will open in January of 2025.
Will I get one-on-one coaching time with Kenya?
All programs have one-on-one time with Kenya unless it is a group program.
Will there be time to network?
Yes! Networking occurs at the Business Immersion Retreats, live events, and in the Clients Facebook Group.
Can I still enroll in the University if I am out of state or outside of the United States?
Absolutely! From Drama to Destiny™ University is a virtual program.
Where will the Business Immersion Retreats take place?
The From Drama to Destiny™ Business Builder Program is virtual with the exception of the Business Immersion Retreats, which are in person with live stream capability. The Business Immersion Retreats will take place in the DMV (DC-Maryland-Virginia) area.
Can men join the University?
Sure! Although we are 100% women, we welcome men who want to go from drama to destiny.
Is there a refund/cancelation policy?
As coaching services are time-sensitive and we cannot regain our time spent, refunds are not given for our coaching programs. Though I must share with you, we have never had a client ask for a refund if they are doing the work.
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. Any claims made of actual results can be verified upon request. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire to implement, and motivation.