It’s real out here in these COVID streets. When the world shut down, a lot of things shut down with it. For singles, sex was one of those things. Chances are you haven’t had sex in months; COVID has left some of us abstinent…unintentionally. The good news is that this is a great time for reflection. While I have your attention, let me get to the point. God wants you. He’ll do anything and go any length to have you—yes, YOU! What if this time in quarantine is for you to concentrate on the woman He is calling you to be? To be who He has called you to be, you need clarity. To get clarity, you need to block out all of the distractions. Yep, you guessed it, one of those distractions is sex and all of the drama it brings outside of its design.
Your worth isn’t tied to what you can do in the bedroom—it’s about seeing yourself the way that God sees you. I want you to know that you are so valuable to Him which is why He wanted me to do this teaching. This is NOT about sex-shaming. So, if you’re single and currently in an intimate relationship with someone, PLEASE join us anyhow. It’s all about education and awareness. God is the Teacher and loves all of His children and knows exactly who is supposed to be there. So, if you feel that nudge to attend, let’s go!
What do you have to lose?
In this season of social distancing, join me for this 3-part virtual series where you will learn the following:
- The benefits of abstinence.
- How to see yourself the way that God sees you.
- How to identify and break ungodly soul ties.
- The keys to unlocking your God-given purpose.