The birthday girls!
There can be a lot of mixed emotions during this time of year. If that’s you, I pray for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing over you right now, in Jesus’ name. Extraordinary Mama, I celebrate you. Kenya, you are the reason I do what I do.

Mother’s Day mood 😉

And speaking of celebrating Mamas, this announcement is HUGE! Drumroll, please… I’d like to invite you to my live event called
!! It’s happening on Saturday, July 13, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ET in the DMV (Venue to be announced).Single Mama, do you ever feel like life be lifing? From taking the kids to school and making sure they have enough to eat to making sure they are mentally and physically well and adjusted, to the co-parenting stress (wars, actually), and compound that with heavy doses of work stress, we are just out here tired. If it’s not the car acting up this week, you’re short on rent or received a cut-off notice. When you take two steps forward, you’re knocked ten steps back; you feel stuck like you’re going nowhere, drowning, and not getting ahead. This year has already had its fair share of drama that popped off, and 2024 was supposed to be different, right? And if we’re honest, let’s talk about the sting of loneliness that has us going back to people we know we shouldn’t.
If something doesn’t change and we don’t get the help we need, our families, who rely on us, won’t have a chance.
So, here’s my proposal. Come out, and let’s do a 180-degree turn in how we, as Single moms, think, act, speak, parent, date, and apply these principles to every area of our lives. A 180-degree turn means to move in the opposite direction.
You may be wondering, how? No worries, I created this space just for you.
Single Mama 180™ is a day of love, empowerment, prayer, healing, and sisterhood—the first event of its kind!
Would you do me a favor, Kenya? Can you forward this event to all the single moms and single-mom organizations you know? here.
. We’re in desperate need of revival—and it starts with us. For more information and to register, click