Eileen (GMW anchor) and Me!
Well, I pinched myself and it wasn’t a dream. I was definitely on “Good Morning Washington” (GMW) on Tuesday, lol. 20 1/2 of years working behind the scenes in TV news and now God is doing a new thing! Click on the link below and take a quick peek in case you missed it:
I was invited on to talk about a topic not many single women want to talk about. Have you ever asked yourself, “What if Prince Charming Never Comes?” The following are 5 tips (some of which I shared on the show) that will help us in this area:
1. Don’t panic – When we’re panicked it can lead to great disaster. This is where we, as singles, have to be very careful. It is not the time to make life-altering decisions. We’re seeking advice about what to do and if we let fear think for us, we will listen and act on horrible advice and stay in bad relationships when we should run.
2. Rewrite the Romance Novel – Work on you. The thought is scary to some of us because we will have to spend time alone. Some of us don’t know what that feels or looks like because we’ve attached our worth to things like a man, hobby, career, and social media “likes.” The peace that comes from knowing and loving who you are is priceless.
3. Unlock your God-given purpose – What did you want to be when you were a kid? What are you passionate about? What makes you upset? These are some questions one can ask themselves when trying to find their purpose. Knowing your purpose is the key to unlocking the power in your life!
Embracing single life!
Me post-interview posing on the GMW infamous wall 😉
Kyle, producer extraordinare!
Where will your purpose lead you? What has He put you on this earth to do? What lives are you called to impact? Living in your God-given purpose is true fulfillment like no other! Apply for a free discovery session so we can get you on the road to your beautiful destiny!
4. Be grateful – Writing five things down that you’re grateful for every day is a healthy practice that prevents the Comparison Syndrome and gives you another perspective to your challenges. Nothing is ever going to be perfect and practicing gratitude puts you in a posture of thanksgiving. It reminds you of what you have, what is going right, and what you may be taking for granted. I do this every morning and I also have my clients do it as well.
5. Live your best life now! – Go on the trip, buy the house, and throw the party! Just because you’re single doesn’t mean you’re half of a person and you have to put fun on hold. You are complete right now. Life doesn’t begin when you get married.