No, Covid, you can’t have Christmas! I know we thought we’d be out of this by now. You may be asking, “How will I make it through?”
If you are having some challenges getting in the Christmas spirit, here are 5 tips to help you be present this holiday season and into 2021:
1. Immerse yourself in what brings you joy
Whether it’s putting up Christmas lights galore (it’s not too late!), family game night (virtual is lots of fun too!), reading the Christmas story from the Bible, dressing up in matching jammies and taking photos, or watching Home Alone for the 100th time, do it! Reflect, laugh, and spend time with loved ones—even if it’s via Zoom. It’s important to keep your holiday traditions—the socially distanced kind—-for a sense of normalcy. Don’t forget to make a 2020 ornament for the historic occasion.
2. Imagine your post-quarantine life
It won’t always be like this. The one thing that hasn’t been quarantined is our imagination. God blessed you with it for a reason. Just like when reading a book, we can go anywhere we want to go. Make plans and set goals of what you want to do when all this is over. It’s healthy and exciting to dream. (Let’s not forget about the now, too. Ask God, “How can I maximize this time?”)
3. Have a virtual get-together to honor loved ones who have passed
With social distancing measures, the coronavirus is making it harder for people to say their final goodbyes. We can celebrate the lives of loved ones we have lost by putting together special virtual tributes where everyone can share their memories. This can help in getting closure until we can all be together again.
I had a prayer call last Thursday and it was truly amazing. One participant said, “God was in every detail.” Another said, “I was sooooooo blessed…. I could feel the power of God all over the Zoom.”
In addition to prayer, God led me to do something different at this gathering by allowing us to talk about our grief from losing our loved ones. God showed me how much we need a space like this and how blessed we were by it. He is worthy to be praised! I encourage you to do this with your family and circles of friends too. Please don’t isolate yourself but instead reach out. The enemy wants to get you alone to tell you all kinds of lies. Remember, the Bible says that he is the father of lies and there is no truth in him.

Virtual Night of Prayer

Wow, 2021. It’s right around the corner, y’all! I bet you already have your mental list of what you’re not going to do and who you’re not going to let in your space, right? Years ago, I had an idea to have a
D.E.L.E.T.E.™ party! Well, there’s no time like the end of 2020 to have one–virtually! What do you think?
D.E.L.E.T.E.™ stands for Destiny Erupts (when I) Listen (to God and) Exit Toxic Experiences.
4. Make a list of quarantine blessings
There is always something to be grateful for. I started doing this at the beginning of the quarantine and what I’ve noticed is that it opens you up to more blessings. Your list may surprise you. When you’re able to say, “Thank you Jesus anyhow!” the windows of heaven pour out blessings!
5. You’re still here
As long as you wake up, God still has purpose for your life. Be grateful for another day. Concentrate on the now and embrace 2021 as being your best year yet!

God said, “Remember, I commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9).”
It’s gonna take some bravery to press “delete,” but I promise, He’ll be with you. I believe that you can do it, and I’ll show you why you need to delete what and who you’re holding on to, how you can carry it out, and how to stick to it.
Join me on New Year’s Eve, December 31st at
12 p.m. EST for a date with destiny!
Let’s “delete” together and claim 2021 as our best year yet!!!
Register now!