I was eight-years-old when I realized that I was in love with Sylvester Stallone in the Rocky III movie. OMG, I thought he was the cutest thing alive! Needless to say, I’m still a huge fan and a sucker for the movie soundtrack–and oh so obvious because of the name of this ezine (smile). As I got older, I realized another thing. Rocky had a team around him. They were all coaches! His coach Mickey pushed him and brought out strength Rocky never knew he had. Even when Rocky didn’t believe in himself, Mick, as Rocky affectionately called him, jacked him up with good ole’ fashioned pep talks and wisdom. And when Mick died of a heart attack, after a shove by Clubber Lang (Mr. T), even Adrian (Rocky’s wife), had to get buck with Rocky. After he lost the fight, she told him that it wasn’t the end and to draw from what Mick instilled in him. She challenged him to put fear aside and to dig deep down inside to go after what he wanted, with no excuses, so there will be no regrets.
Rocky’s coaches took care of him. He’d get busted up out there in the ring, but when he came back to the corner, he was taken care of. The coaches cleaned his wounds, applied the Vaseline, reminded him what he was made of and sent him back out in the ring to FIGHT! What a good coach deposits, never goes away. And what God has put inside of you is there forever.
Who’s in your corner? Who’s sending you out to battle? Who’s bringing out the eye of the tiger in you?