I just finished the 40 Day Surrender Fast with my church. To be honest, I was excited and reluctant at the same time. The motivation behind the fast was to pray for our country and to also watch God do the impossible in our lives.
You had to give up something near and dear to you for the fast. While some people gave up things like gossip, negative talk, television or sweets, I chose to give up food. Why? Because things had gotten waaaay out of control in that department. So I decided to do the Daniel Fast, which consists of mainly fruits and vegetables. I could also have beans, potatoes and nuts as well. And since I know myself, I didn’t have a lot of beans and potatoes because I could easily abuse them (I know, so sad).
We started in late September and it was a challenge right from the start. (Now you see why I was reluctant.) On Day 1, I had access to a large spread of free food set up in the form of a buffet including desserts. I took a deep breath, remained focused and got a salad. On Day 2 the enemy was like, “Forty days, really?” I ignored him and was determined to get my breakthrough. I was a little nutty midway through the fast but I’m still here (ha!).
But seriously, this has been one of the most revealing times in my life. Not only has God been showing me things about myself, He’s been helping me get closer to Him, fervently pray for others, and get their attention about certain issues, relationships and matters.
Without having the food that I regularly eat, take pleasure in and enjoy, I was forced to be alone with my raw feelings. In other words, the events of my daily life were not being covered up or comforted with food and I felt like an open wound; feeling each and every thing that came my way. Food is such a huge part of our culture and who we are and it can drive our emotions. We eat when we’re happy and having a good time and we eat when we’re sad too. I had to discovery new things to be happy about besides what glorious meal I was going to eat after a stressful day in the office.
Yes it sounds good, but I gotta tell you it hurt. It was painful because He was pruning me. There were some things that I had to let go of. Everybody can’t go with you to the next level. Those bad habits can’t come either. The mindset that got you into that mess certainly is not welcomed and must die. If we are to be used by Him, we have to truly let go of everything that is not of Him.
During the fast, God revealed to me in a dream something that I had to let go of. I knew what had to be done but didn’t do it right away. During this time, wherever I went, I kept hearing, “Delayed obedience is still disobedience.” Whether it was a sermon or in a conversation with a girlfriend, “Delayed obedience is still disobedience” would find me. It was only when I got face-to-face to the blessing that God wanted to give me, that I moved fast. I went to the closet and pulled out a box of letters that had been buried in there. I knew it wasn’t enough to tear or shred them so I burned them (my prayer partner’s advice)—never to be pieced back together again. I didn’t want anything keeping me from God’s best and His next level.
Me and other #EMERGEfilming16 speakers prepare for the evening by coming together in prayer.
Me speaking at the Family Time Expo last month
Burn baby burn!
For God to move we need to:
1. Admit it.
We have to become aware of the thing that has us bound. Things have a way of sneaking in our lives. We can get comfortable in that space. At first you’re just dipping your toe in, then the next thing you know, you’re lounging there.
2. Be bold and take steps to remove it.
You’re in a battle. You know what that thing is. If you need clarity, ask God to reveal it. It has been holding you back from your destiny. Ask for forgiveness, muster up the strength to get rid of it and move on! Remember, no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly (Psalm 84:11).
3. Look for healing from God and not people.
Before you call up your girlfriends, tell God about it. Here’s a secret; He already knows but wants to hear from you. He wants a relationship with you. That relationship is possible through Jesus Christ—your Master Healer. If you need to seek help from a professional please set that up as soon as possible.
4. Walk into your healing.
You have acknowledged it, put things in place to remove it, told God all about it and even told the devil where to go; Now walk in your newness. You’re armed and dangerous!
I strongly recommend this fast. I believed that God would to do several mighty things during this time and He did just that and many more that weren’t on my list!
What has you bound? What chains does He need to break in your life? What are you angry with God about? What has been His track record in the past? It would be an honor to help you get back on track. After all, 2017 is just around the corner.