Did you catch my sermon “Forgive: Your Life is Calling” last Thursday? (This was the same ministry that hosted the 3 Nights of Miracles event I served at in Dallas, Texas in August.) The Holy Ghost moved! Of course, everything plus the kitchen sink got thrown at me all the way leading up to it but, hey, if you’re not a threat to the devil and his kingdom, you’re left alone. I thank God for keeping me strong and allowing me to be His vessel on the Pinder’s platform for over half a million followers from all around the world! (Yes, you read that right!) Look at God!! I thank the Pinder’s for trusting me with their people. [ugly cry… again]

What happened on Thursday is exactly why we must answer the call. Kenya, have you been naughty or nice to what God has put on the inside of you? I want to invite you to my end-of-the-year talk, Have You Been Naughty or Nice to Your Calling? It’s happening on Monday, December 30, 2024, at 7pm EST.
I’ll be teaching what a “calling” is, clues to unlock it, how to carry it out, and how not to let evil forces working through people and circumstances stop you from walking in it. I promise to bring that same fire as last week 😉 You’ll also hear more details about my brand-new From Drama to Destiny™ University and how you can enroll.
Register here for this free virtual event.
‘Tis the season to be in your calling!