I cracked up laughing at this video about procrastination! Take a quick peek:
I definitely saw myself, how about you? What is procrastination?
Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished by a certain deadline. It could be further stated as a habitual or intentional delay of starting or finishing a task despite knowing it might have negative consequences.
We all procrastinate about something from time to time but at some point you’ve got to get the ball rolling. Why is it that we don’t do the things we need to do that will make a huge difference in our lives? I’ll explain. There are emotions tied to whether we complete a task or not. Those are boredom, anxiety, insecurity, frustration, resentment, self-doubt and more. Our brain perceives that task as a genuine threat. When we perceive a threat, we don’t take action– we run.
Once you start, that’s half the battle. Take that one step and you’ll feel empowered to take another, and another!
Take yesterday for example. I woke up weird and not feeling like my joyous self—I was off. As a result, I DID NOT want to exercise. I exercised the day before and I secretly was thinking that my reward would be not to do it today (LOL). I had to run some errands so I went upstairs to get ready. I stood still and went back and forth in my head and eventually talked myself out of working out. I knew that the medicine I needed was to exercise but I didn’t do it. I needed those natural endorphins to be released! I told myself I was too tired and that if I wasn’t careful I might even hurt myself exercising (because I was too tired remember?). So I got in the shower. Well there’s this power called The Holy Spirit and He WOULD NOT leave me alone while I was in the shower. I thought to myself how ridiculous I would be to have taken a shower and get out and exercise. So what did I do? You guessed it; I got out of the shower, exercised and felt great! Jillian Michaels would be so proud of me 🙂 I shouted HALLELUJAH when I was done!

Me post workout with my “glad I pushed through” smile

One of Jillian Michaels’ (fitness trainer) famous quotes
After my session with Kathryn, she later wrote, “As I sit here and reflect on our coaching session we had, I can honestly say that you have really helped and motivated me to act fast/take advantage of opportunities that come my way. Opportunities that are right here in my face. You helped me to realize that there is no time to drag my feet because the opportunity can be here one minute and gone the next. So I have now begun to really look into what we spoke about and not get discouraged, thanks for all your help and support!”
What are you procrastinating about? Let’s partner together and put some proactive measures in place to get you moving! Hit reply and tell me about it or apply for a free discovery session right now.
Don’t procrastinate (or else I’ll have my daughter call you)!
What’s my point? We are at war. Would one workout have killed my chances of being fit and healthy? No. But if I’m building a habit and I have accountability (my daughter) around a goal, then I’m going to be consistent and achieve my goal of losing weight. (My daughter doesn’t play either and called me out when I was in my room—haha).
You have to feel the pain leading up to the task and while you do the task. After a while, there won’t be any pain and you’ll be smiling and so glad you did it! Your future self will definitely thank you. What happened to building that legacy for your family? The action you take today will make that dream a reality. Don’t let procrastination steal your next level!