I heard His voice so clearly one day. God told me, “One thing at a time.” I was like, “WOW, thank you God!” I felt such a peace after that. I was obedient and tackled one task at a time. It’s that easy. Take a deep breath and focus on one thing. There can be many balls in the air, but the key is to focus on one ball at a time.
Doing only one thing at a time is a surprisingly powerful way to become more productive. I had to remind myself of what He told me this week and again, there was a peace in getting my tasks done. Studies show that when we multitask, we do a mediocre job of everything because our attention is divided. Doing just one thing at a time helps you remember more, get more done in less time, de-stress, bring more attention to your work, and work smarter, instead of just harder. It’s worth the struggle a hundred times over.
I recommend the following:
1. Ask God to line up your priorities – God is in control of all, so certainly, He will line them up and remind you of them when you ask. When God is first, everything else falls into place. So ask Him what is important and what to focus on. You will then realize that all of the extra stuff on the to do list can wait and is not worth stressing over. God cares about even the smallest details of our life. Isn’t that good news?!?
2. Resist the urge to be busy – Some of us feel like if we’re not busy doing everything, we’re not getting anything done. Don’t fool yourself. Studies have shown that in addition to spreading ourselves too thin, multitasking makes us less productive in other ways. Multitasking takes longer, makes us worse at ignoring irrelevant information, and makes storing and organizing information more difficult. It even affects our memory—when we multitask, we are more likely to switch into autopilot mode, which makes us less able to remember what we work on. And that’s not good. We want quality work in the end.
3. Read a morning devotional – I can’t express how much this has helped my daughter and I. That’s why devotionals are so popular—because they are effective. There are many to choose from including books, apps, and online. My prayer partner raves about The Bible in One Year App with Nicky Gumble. We were praising God that her daughter in college is now sending her bible verses because of it (giggle). My daughter (who’s also in college) and I use Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. I do it in the morning after my prayer. It’s amazing how it will equip you for what is to come in your day. And if I happen to do it later in the day, it will often describe the very thing that I struggled with that day and how to overcome it. God always gives you just what you need and when you need it.
I am constantly in awe of God and how much He loves us! In a world that is competing for our attention every second of the day, take the crazy out of the day and say, “Lord help me.” He will come running. Why? Because you are His child and He loves you. He doesn’t want you to be overwhelmed. The only thing He wants you to be is overwhelmed by His great love for you.
God: “Come to me…I will give you rest.”
Me teaching at a conference
That reminds me, have you registered for my event yet? It’s called, “From Drama to Destiny™ Live.” I’m going to be teaching you how to get rid of the drama and distractions so that you can give birth to what God has put on the inside of you to become the woman that He is calling you to be. I’ve certainly had a LOT of drama and distractions in my life that I’ve conquered. That’s the thing about life, when you’ve conquered something, it’s our duty to show others the way.
Register here.
I can’t wait to see you!