The truth is, I’ve had reasons not to speak to every one of them (just like I’m sure they’ve had reasons not to speak to me) because of things we’ve said to one another and done. The point is that when you love someone, you forgive and make it work. I’m not talking about staying around toxic people, non-safe individuals, and those who secretly want your demise. Yes, forgive and pray for them, and you do have to love them—sometimes from afar because you have to protect your mental health. But God can help you with this because it can be hard. Overall, relationships are important to God, and we need each other.
There comes a time when you have to be spiritually mature and recognize the real enemy. And when you see what that devil is trying to do you have to lock in and commit to what you’re doing, and fight with the Word of God. The devil is a master at distraction, disorder, and chaos. He doesn’t want peace. The best thing to do is not to invite the enemy in—don’t even crack the door. When you open the door to demons, you can’t control what demon is going to come in. I beg you, don’t take the bait, and keep the door closed!

The Bible says, “When an evil spirit comes out of a person, it travels through dry places looking for a place to rest, but it finds none. So it says, ‘I will go back to the home I left.’ When it comes back, it finds that home still empty. It is all neat and clean. Then the evil spirit goes out and brings seven other spirits more evil than itself. They all go and live there, and that person has even more trouble than before. It is the same way with the evil people who live today.” (Matthew 12:43-45)
When I was caught up in a habitual sin—a romantic relationship of six-and-a-half years, I was not myself. I had one foot inside the church and one foot outside the church. I ignored wisdom and got into arguments (and avoided conversations) with people who warned me, including family and friends. At one point, I broke up with him, and since I went back, the demons came back seven times more evil.
And because the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, being in this relationship led to an abortion and so much devastation. Some things died, and someone died.
He even went and played basketball after we came back from the abortion procedure. I think I’d be correct to say he was relieved. This is the relationship that ended over ten years ago that I talked about in my Single Mama 180™ video. One sin led to another sin. I opened the door. And again, you can’t control which demon or demons are coming in.
Let me break it down: when we have sex with a person, we become one with that person (1 Corinthians 6:16). Whatever they’ve got, you’ve opened yourself up to it too—demons and all. That’s why we must be careful who we attach ourselves to, and this includes non-romantic relationships as well.

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Someone recently said to me that God wants revival at this event. That was confirmation, and that’s exactly what I intend to let Him use me for.

One of my clients told me if we don’t do anything else together, I’m so happy that you helped me get away from that soul tie. When she was about to go back to him, I gave her some things to think about. I knew I had to pull out all the stops. That devil is crafty and fast. In my experience, when people cry for help, you must move fast because the devil is moving in. I knew I was fighting for her life and influence. I love how God has wired me to care and go all in for His people.
Praise God she didn’t go back, and she’s so grateful. Now, she will go on to build and thrive in her business to serve the people she is called to serve. HALLELUJAH!! Devil, you lost again!!
The Bible is clear: “…the wages of sin is death…” (Romans 6:23). The Easy-to-Read Version puts it this way: “When people sin, they earn what sin pays—death.” I’ve seen people die, and I’ve seen something die in their lives. Whether it’s trust, friendship, influence, elevation, job loss, a business, a church, etc. Simply put, your growth is stunted, and you’ve compromised the call on your life. You won’t be as effective (if at all) in whatever you’re doing, and you’re putting your destiny in jeopardy.
In other words, those assigned to you won’t get the wisdom, the healing, the blessings, or any of it because you’re not in place. Because you’re comfortable and caught up in the sin, your vision and mind becomes distorted. The anointing is at risk. And because God is God, He will raise up another person for the people.

I don’t want anything to die in your life in this way. I want you to be used by God for maximum results and for His glory! I thank Him for His grace and mercy. That’s why I’m alive and in my right mind today. The same grace and mercy are available to you.
If you don’t recognize yourself, you’re doing things you’ve never done before, and you’re pointing fingers at everybody else, it’s time to have a conversation with God so He can cleanse your heart. It’s never too late to turn your thinking and behavior around. It’s never too late to come home. It doesn’t matter if it was last night or last year, God loves you, and He wants to heal you deep down to the root of the pain. Sometimes, how we sin is how we cope with the pain of something deeper. He knows the pain, and only He can do that kind of cleansing! There is hope for a better life.
If you’ve had an abortion and still struggle with pain and regret or thinking about having one, I have some resources for you. My church has a powerful and effective healing Bible Study called “Beauty for Ashes.” It went virtual after the pandemic. I took it and cried almost the entire way through. Now I’m healed and so grateful to God and them!! I was selected by my Pastor and First Lady to give my testimony. That would have never happened back in the day, haha. Look at God! You can find out more information about that class here.

The Bible teaches us that if we have strayed away from God want to get back into a relationship with Him, we need to confess our sins. 1 John 1:9 says, “But if we confess our sins, God will forgive us. We can trust God to do this. He always does what is right. He will make us clean from all the wrong things we have done.”
The first step is to confess your sins and repent. To repent means to be really sorry about what you have done, turn away from it, and turn to what you know is pleasing to God. To do this, close your eyes and pray to God confessing your sins (telling Him what you have done) and ask Him for forgiveness.
At the end of the prayer, thank Him for forgiving you and close it out with, “In Jesus’ name Amen.” In John 14:13, Jesus says, “And if you ask for anything in my name, I will do it for you.” After you have done this, your relationship with God has been restored! Make sure that you attend church and Bible Study regularly, spend time daily with God and in His Word, and join a ministry.