Trust the Lord completely, and don’t depend on your own knowledge. With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he will help you go the right way.
Proverbs 3:5-6

God knew I wanted to quit several times, but He kept pushing me, encouraging me, and sending signs and a few people in my life to tell me to keep going. But the determination came largely from getting downloads from Him during quiet time together and reading His promises through His Word. How strong you become when you take the time to do these things. When you know who He has created you to be and that He’s fighting for you, you won’t quit. I was more afraid of what would happen if I didn’t do it.

He ordered it all—every volunteer, every speaker, every song, and every attendee. My heart swells at the thought of those who invested their time with a gal and a big (and crazy) dream—to get single mamas together to make a 180-degree turn! He was present and showed up in the hearts, minds, and words of everyone who was there.
Thank you for your prayers for this event—the first of its kind. We had EVERYTHING we needed. Miracles chased us as we planned this event on provision from angels.
I was sharing with a client that my last in-person event was funded by a comfortable bank account after leaving my 9 to 5 job, so that wasn’t hard at all. But when you don’t have the big budget you had before, who do you call? The BIG G! A friend told me recently, “If God orders it, He pays for it.” And because He ordered Single Mama 180™, He paid for it. We wanted for nothing. Maybe you’re familiar with our big God and how He provides, or you have yet to trust Him wholly. I want to plead with you today that people are waiting on your obedience to get where they need to be in the Kingdom. His elevation is yours when you step in.

Don’t delay. God is in the overflow business, and what was present one week ago will be here too—trust me. In addition to the recap of the powerful content, we’ll share “a-ha” moments, talk about and equip you for your 180-degree turn, and more!