Quarantine Sex Woes? Part 2
It’s been a long, lonely year for singles, and once vaccinated, they’re ready to get out and have some fun. Apparently, the vaccine line has become the latest place to find love.
It’s been a long, lonely year for singles, and once vaccinated, they’re ready to get out and have some fun. Apparently, the vaccine line has become the latest place to find love.
It’s been a long, lonely year for singles, and once vaccinated, they’re ready to get out and have some fun. Apparently, the vaccine line has become the latest place to find love.
Sunday is National Single Parent Day, but every day is a good time to celebrate the moms and dads raising children on their own.
No, Covid, you can’t have Christmas! I know we thought we’d be out of this by now. You may be asking, “How will I make it through?”
Have you ever thought about an idea but never did it, procrastinated on it, or perhaps were in the middle of doing it and then saw someone else do it?!? You felt some kind of way didn’t you?
We’re going to tackle things that we struggle with such as insecurity, anger, envy, comparison, heartache, and unforgiveness, just to name a few. This is the stuff that you keep hidden in the closet because NO ONE CAN KNOW.
It was her job to birth and nurture deliverance in an inconvenient time. You have to ask yourself, “Do I have the proper environment to nurture my purpose?” And just because it’s inconvenient doesn’t mean it’s not God.
While some outside criticizers asked the question, “Does she really need to be talking about that?” and making remarks like, “It’s really not that deep,” these brave women answered the call and God had the last word.
In the words of the great Miss Diana Ross…”I’m coming out, I want the world to know…Got to let it show…”
It’s real out here in these COVID streets. When the world shut down, a lot of things shut down with it. For singles, sex was one of those things.