I Quit My Job
On Friday, December 7th I jumped! I was obedient to God and left my job of 20 1/2 years in television news [insert Home Alone face].
On Friday, December 7th I jumped! I was obedient to God and left my job of 20 1/2 years in television news [insert Home Alone face].
Just as a surprise was waiting for us in the theater behind the curtain, God wants to give you what’s behind His curtain.
God has been streeeetching me into new territory—and while it hasn’t been easy, I know it’s my destiny.
When I heard Bishop T.D. Jakes at my church’s New Year’s Revival last month he said, “Pick your highest wall–it’s demons sent to discourage you from getting your bread…the wall will come down but you gotta fight. The devil thinks you won’t fight!”
I just finished the 40 Day Surrender Fast with my church. To be honest, I was excited and reluctant at the same time.
Wonder Woman knew she was different. She didn’t run from it, instead she embraced it. Yes she was in disguise, but when the time was right she got her twirl on and transformed!
It’s my prayer partner’s fault. “Have you seen the eagles,” she asked with excitement as she texted me a link.
Just when you think being you is not good enough, who do you think you’re insulting? Yes, yourself, but most importantly God.
I was able to meet and talk to Author, Speaker, Actress, and Bible Teacher Priscilla Shirer from the movie War Room! She was beautiful, kind and so very personable.
At one point, I was crouched down in my seat and leaning on my child. “I don’t know what I was thinking coming to see this,” I said in disbelief.