The 4th Quarter Comeback
If you’re believing for the impossible to happen, like myself, I want to stand in agreement with you that it’s gonna happen in the 4th quarter!!! Faith moves the heart of God.
If you’re believing for the impossible to happen, like myself, I want to stand in agreement with you that it’s gonna happen in the 4th quarter!!! Faith moves the heart of God.
I did it!!! I rocked my second appearance on ABC7’s “Good Morning Washington,” praise God!!! I was invited back to talk on, “Rejecting the Reality Show Mentality.”
I heard His voice so clearly one day. God told me, “One thing at a time.” I was like, “WOW, thank you God!” I felt such a peace after that.
At the time, I felt angry and betrayed. We ask for God’s protection and we believe that He won’t give us more than we can bear so why don’t we trust that He is protecting us even when it means a, “No” or “Not right now?”
Well, I pinched myself and it wasn’t a dream. I was definitely on “Good Morning Washington” (GMW) on Tuesday, lol.
I DID NOT want to exercise. I exercised the day before and I secretly was thinking that my reward would be not to do it today (LOL).
In April, I experienced a dead situation and watched it come back to life! In hindsight, I should not have been surprised because it was close to Easter.
Last week I saw the movie Flashdance. I loved that movie growing up!
As a result of not moving, 2018 was complete torture, at times, in the place God was calling me out of.
Before you tell anyone else what it is you want out of life, tell God.